Monday, 11 November 2013

Creating my school magazine

 This is how I created my magazine.
First of all after photoshopping both images of the girls I decided to use this image on the cover as they are smiling more on this one. I picked this background as it was easy to photoshop. When I put the photo on the right szed page it was too small so I added more bricks onto the top of the image, from the orignal unphotoshopped image.

 I then added the title I had created earlier and made it the right size to fit on the page. I thought that the green looked good against the brick background and that it was clear to read.

I then added the tree logo and the arrow motifs. I added in the arrow under the title to cover up the slight line that the two different backgrounds made instead of lower down as I had previously thought. I created the two curved arrows by using the tick shape as well as the arrow head shape. I chose to have the arrows different shades so they didn't look two similar, and the different shades of green make it look more interesting and eye catching.  The tree logo was added at the top instead of the bottom as I had originally planned as I decided I wanted just the 'idsall' at the top of the page, so there was room at the top of the page for the logo.

I then added some text in as the splash and secondary leads. I used green on the background as it stood out and black on the arrows as again it stood out the most whilst keeping in with my colour scheme. I chose a font that was interesting unlike boring times new Roman, but still legible, so nothing like comic sans. I chose to have the size of the text at 25 pt as I thought it wasn’t too big yet you could still read it with ease.

That was then my front cover done so I moved on to making the contents page.

After making the page the correct size I added the titles I had created earlier and made them the right size to fit the page. They are the same style as the title on the front page, but slightly different sizes and have different border thicknesses. I also added in the arrow from the front page but spun it 180% so it faced the other way. This was so I had more room above the arrow and less room beneath it.

Next I added in the logo of the tree and adjusted the size to fit under the arrow and I added the 'issue' text from the front page. I kept these the same as on the front page so the front page and content linked in well.

I added in the text for the stories on the contents page. I created some of these from things I have seen around school, for example the language focus, I got some ideas from similar sections of the Idsall voice (the actual school magazine,) and things I would imagine a school magazine to include. I chose a different font to the text on the front page (the splash and secondary leads,) as this is more for reading so I picked a slightly thinner font so it was more easy to read. I also picked a font that was more like paragraph text then a heading font.

I then finished off by adding in the images after I had photoshopped then. I added in another picture of the girls- the 'Grammar slammer winners!' but with different expressions and different angles to make the magazine more interesting and add a bit of variety. I also added in a picture of two girls on a white background to vary the background types and again make the contents page more interesting.

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