Friday, 20 December 2013

Survey analysis-Part 2

Next, I looked at how often people would expect the magazine to come out as I can use this information on the front of the magazine. The top result was monthy followed by weekly. 
I also asked how much people would expect to pay for the music magazine so agin I can use this information on the front of my magazine to meet my target audiences' expetations. The top answer was £ 1 to £ 2. 

 I asked what sort of name my audince would expect from my music magazine to get a feel of what sort of name I could use. The feedback off this question wasn't great as most people didn't answer or didn't know what to write, also some people wrote 'Millie's music mag' or 'Kate is the best' instead of writing a serious answer. The other answers such as 'Desire' and 'Tone' are good however I don't feel that they fit my grunge theme.

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