Friday, 20 December 2013

Survey analysis-Part 2

Next, I looked at how often people would expect the magazine to come out as I can use this information on the front of the magazine. The top result was monthy followed by weekly. 
I also asked how much people would expect to pay for the music magazine so agin I can use this information on the front of my magazine to meet my target audiences' expetations. The top answer was £ 1 to £ 2. 

 I asked what sort of name my audince would expect from my music magazine to get a feel of what sort of name I could use. The feedback off this question wasn't great as most people didn't answer or didn't know what to write, also some people wrote 'Millie's music mag' or 'Kate is the best' instead of writing a serious answer. The other answers such as 'Desire' and 'Tone' are good however I don't feel that they fit my grunge theme.

Survey analysis-Part one

I started by asking what gender my survey audience were. As you can see I did end up asking more females than males but my target audience for my magazine could be females as I could taylor the magazine to fit a female audience instead of having to taylor it to suit both male and female needs.

I also asked on the survey what peoples favourite music genre is so I could check that my genre of grunge rock. Rock and pop where the top favourite music genres so I know that I am right using the rock genre for my magazine.

I also asked what peoples favourite music magazine are so I could look at the features of those magazines so I can use them to make my magazine suitable for my target audience.

Survey analysis- Questionaire

I made a questionaire to find out some things about my target audience and what their needs are. I am targeting people my age 16-17 year olds so I handed out around 15 of these questionaire in sixth form and collated all the answers together. I was also having a problem with choosing what sort of colour scheme that I would like to use so I included that in my survey so that I could pick on that would suit my target audience. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Music Magazine double page spread and contents page mood boards

I have looked at some examples of music magazine double page spreads and contents pages. I collated some examples that I liked into mood boards. I couldn't find many examples that I really loved. I find most contents pages very crowded and too busy and most double page spreads have the picture on one page and the text on the other which doesn't really show any creativity.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Music Magazine Front cover mood boards

I created two mood boards to try and decide what genre music magazine I want to create. I created one for rock and one for country style magazins. Some of the exapmples of country magazine aren't
actual country magazine they are just in the style of country magazines.

I am now more drawn towards the rock style magazine as I feel I know that genre better than the country style, so I am going to create a questionaire to see the audience and conventions or a rock magazine.

I also found some general magazine covers I like so I can base my cover on the layout, colours, font style etc.  I like the drama the simplicity of the 'Sheer' magazine. I like the pastle pinks of the three 'Billboard' magazines.