Wednesday, 18 September 2013

School magazine codes and conventions.

What are codes?
Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning. They can be divided into two categories – technical and symbolic.
Technical codes: These are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, an example of this is the camera work in a film.
Symbolic codes: Thses show what is beneath the surface of what we see. An example of this is a character's actions show you how the character is feeling.
Some codes fit both categories. For example music is both technical and symbolic.
What are conventions?
Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. There are general conventions in any medium. An example would be the use of interviewee quotes in a print article. Conventions are also genre specific.
How do codes and conventions apply in media studies?
Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre; it is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre.
For example, the technical code of lighting is used in some way in all film genres. It is a convention of the horror genre that side and back lighting is used to create mystery and suspense – an important part of any horror movie.
The Evolve magazine has a clear heading at the top, with a green background, and an image taking up the lower two-thirds of the page. There is no definitive colour scheme or style, although the front cover is well defined and clear.

Top Terrace
The Top Terrace magazine does not have a defined ‘front page’ – it launches straight into the information. However, images and layout are used effectively, with two large pictures.

The Bishopbriggs newsletter is very simple. It has a white background, with a header, logo on the right and two photos relating to activities within the school. The date is at the bottom of the magazine. There is no real colour scheme although there is a blue graphic of circles used throughout the newsletter.

Some codes and conventions I have seen.
  • The magazine title is always at the top, at the left or centre of the magazine.
  • Images are typically to the right of the text, or in the centre of the page below the title.
  • Choosing a colour schemes is good as too many colours are distracting - (make sure to leave plenty of white space so that the eye is not too confused.)
  • Maintaining a graphic element makes the magazine look a little more professional. For example: bars for the page headings and along the side of the article, or circles on the header.
  • Most have a very colourful collage of pictures, probably of events that happened at the school. This is visually attractive and already gives the reader an idea of the school.
  • The logo of the school is often included and displayed next to the school's name. The logo is the same colour as the school's title text, which clearly links the two.
  • I have found the main image of a school magazine is relevant to the content that will be inside it.

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